I have done my math. Altogether, I
have written 13 blog-posts with Joseph Prince’s name on it. They are directed
at his teachings and why I disagree with them. Mind you, it’s about the
teachings and not the person. In fact, to be honest, there is a certain
charisma about him when he preaches and I can understand the pull he has on
So, I thought to myself, maybe it’s time to try to understand the
man, the preacher, the leader, the mega-church pastor. Maybe, I should start
with his calling in the Swiss Alps when he was vacationing with his wife. And
from there, I will try my level best to understand where he’s coming from and where
he’s going to with his radical grace teachings.
Now, the innocuous start was in 1997 when he was driving while his wife
was asleep. Joseph Prince said that he distinctly heard the voice of God saying
to him, “Son, you are not preaching grace.”
While still driving, he wrote that God dropped this revelation in his heart: “No.
Every time you preach grace, you preach it with a mixture of law. You attempt
to balance grace with the law like many other preachers, and the moment you
balance grace, you neutralize it. You cannot put new wine into old wineskins.
You cannot put grace and law together.”
That was the launch-pad of his ministry and the pastoral leverage he
needed to go worldwide with his radical grace teaching. Mind you, he received
the revelation direct from the mouth of God Himself. It was a game-changer for
him. And the results show.
Since then, his Church grew from 2,000 to 15,000 and now, 33,000. Surely, the numbers must mean something
right? Then came the miracles, the testimonies, the healings, the freedom
and liberation, the business successes and the conversion. This is what Joseph
Prince wrote: “In fact, some of the top business people, management executives,
entrepreneurs, lawyers, accountants and consultants in my country attend our
church…you will hear wonderful and amazing testimonies of how marriages have
been restored, how huge debts that had run into the millions have been
supernaturally cancelled, how terminal diseases have been miraculously healed
and other awesome testimonies that the good news of Jesus brings!”
Of course, I have to add a word or two here. It’s a caveat of
reality. I am sure that there are other testimonies that are less triumphalistic
than those mentioned above – like anonymous divorces, hidden depression, disappointed
departure, unanswered prayers, de-conversion, terminal illnesses and premature
deaths. No community of faith is immune from such personal derailment and trials.
Life is seldom such a smooth sail. In other words, not all will live a
one-dimensional life of untold prosperity and ageless longevity. There are in
fact many who have died for their faith, forsaken all for their belief and lived
amongst the poor with hope and joy. Aren’t their testimonies equally, if not
more, inspiring to the faith?
Strangely, you will never read any of that in Joseph Prince’s books because
this is what he has to say about God’s grace: “God’s grace produces faithful
husbands, loving wives, and children who honor their parents. God’s grace
produces strong marriages and healthy families that are anchored in a local
church. Why? Because grace isn’t a teaching, doctrine, or formula. Grace is a
person and His name is Jesus!”
Now, who can ever argue with
that? As believers, there is always a buoyancy of spirit whenever that
name is echoed in our hearts (however, let’s not forget that God’s grace also
produces perseverance, joy and hope in suffering/trials for His glory).
So, if you want to understand Joseph Prince, this is a good start. He
is actually incredibly optimistic. The only other megachurch preacher who can
match his level of optimism to panglossian exactitude is his American
counterpart, Joel Osteen. They are actually two happy peas in the same pod –
both flourishing in their own ways. They should in fact be the first face you
see when you enter St Peter’s gate of eternal rest.
Somehow, to associate God’s grace with redemptive sufferings, selfless
sacrifices and death by standing firm on one’s belief is simply unthinkable for
preachers like them. Their world after Calvary is one of victory, successes and
endless happiness – where wealth comes in hot on one’s heels.
To be honest, I have nothing against that. What harm does a little hope (well, an understatement I guess for them)
bring to the table of an already demented, fallen world?
But if the early disciples of Jesus are of any indication, I am
afraid things might not be as rosy as Prince and Osteen would like them to be.
You see, some of the disciples were crucified, beheaded and stoned to death.
Peter was crucified with his head downwards. It is recorded that his parting
words to his wife who was also led to martyrdom was this, “O thou, remember the Lord!”
Andrew himself was tied to the Cross for three days with thick ropes
and before his final breath, exclaimed, “Accept
me, O Christ Jesus, Whom I saw, Whom I love, and in Whom I am; Accept my spirit
in peace in Your Eternal Realm.”
The hardy Paul died for his faith, suffering endlessly prior to his
death in a body that was repeatedly beaten, stoned, deprived, starved and
tortured. Only John lived to a ripe old age in Ephesus. He will always be
remembered by his disciples for repeating these words to everyone he met: “Little children, love one another!” When
asked why he kept telling them that, he said, “It is the Lord’s command. And if
this alone be done, it is enough.”
My point here is not that I am morbid about the faith. I am also not
trying to damper the Spirit here. Wet-blanket
I hope I am not. Neither am I trying to be morose nor ominous. If anything,
I intend to let a little ray of realism into the hard cobblestone path of our
faith’s journey. In other words, I am trying to balance rainbow-like cheeriness
with a deft touch of level-grounded-ness. Here is what I mean.
I recall that Joseph Prince once said this with gusto! (exclamation added here for effect):
“When you’re smoking, confess that you’re the righteousness of God in Christ.
When you’re watching porn, confess that you’re the righteousness of God in
Christ. Your addiction cannot be broken with human effort and will power.”
As a Christian, the latter part of that statement is true. But I
can’t say that it is all that simple. Really?
Confess and that’s that? Of course, there is a whole lot of context to that
confession part (for JP once said that if you take the text out of context, you
are left with “con”). You will just have to attend his services or read his
books to discover it for yourself. If you
are interested of course.
However, the common thread that runs through his radical grace prescription
for earthly troubles of all shapes and sizes is positive confession. That’s the
nutshell in a nutshell. That is, he insists that you just have to confess it
right (or believe right) and you will get it right – somehow.
My issue with that is twofold: First, not all remedies to life’s
issues are reducible to confession, period.
Sometimes, it takes more than that. It may take time, medication, understanding,
community, honest sharing, reflection, silent tears, confrontation, painful
admission or apology, making amends, personal discipline, and even more time to
see the light or resolution. All these are done in faith and hope.
Joseph Prince however tends to take things at face value without
delving deeper into the multifarious issues that make up an emotional,
spiritual and physical struggle. Some struggles may even last far longer. His
solutions therefore appears more formulaic to me than realistic. I guess no
leadership bedazzles more than to project the image that you have the answers
to most of life’s puzzling dilemmas.
And the second point comes in a question form: What if getting it
right is not about fixing it straightaway, but it is about going through it with
hope, faith and perseverance? That is, what if it’s about the thorn in one’s
flesh that one has to endure for God’s glory like Apostle Paul had to endure
I feel that Joseph Prince’s teaching leaves little or no room for
that. Or at least, he doesn’t equip his members to embrace trials for purpose
of personal growth. His theology on this is sadly lop-sided or deficient. His
and Joel Osteen’s methodology is to always smile at the storm instead of
confronting it. At times, I feel that preachers like them make promises in
God’s name over the pulpit, or in online sermonettes, like a bankrupt would
sign off blank cheques to his unwitting investors. On this score, I feel that
they could learn a thing or two from this Franciscan benediction:
“May God bless you with a restless discomfort about easy answers,
half-truths, and superficial relationships, so that you may seek truth boldly
and love deep within your heart.
May God bless you with holy anger at injustice, oppression, and
exploitation of people, so that you may tirelessly work for justice, freedom,
and peace among all people.
May God bless you with the gifts of tears to shed with those who
suffer from pain, rejection, starvation, or the loss of all that they cherish,
so that you may reach out your hand to comfort them and transform their pain
into joy.
May God bless you with enough foolishness to believe that you really
can make a difference in this world, so that you are able with God’s grace, to
do what others claim cannot be done.
And the blessing of God the Supreme Majesty and our Creator, Jesus
Christ, the Incarnate Word Who is our Brother and Savior, and the Holy Spirit,
our Advocate and Guide, be with you and remain with you, this day and
forevermore. Amen.”
Now, I can write other things about Joseph Prince concerning the way
he views repentance, the Holy Spirit and asking for big things from God, but I
will limit myself to what is most disquieting about his radical grace
teachings. There is in fact no better way to understand him than to understand
how he views the Law in the light of the dispensation of Grace. I would like to
preface here that I think no one is more conflicted than Joseph Prince when it
comes to dealing with God’s laws. If you read his books and listen to his
sermons, you will know that he has a love-hate relationship with the Law. The
tension is clearly palpable and at times, painful to hear. This is what I mean.
You see, when it comes to the Law, Joseph Prince is either the most
misunderstood or the most mystifying preacher this side of heaven.
Misunderstood because he has declared both in written words and
openly that he is 100% for the Law.
This is what he wrote: “Let me say this explicitly so that there is no
misunderstanding: I am for the Law, for the purpose for which God gave the law
(and you can quote me on this).” (I am
doing just that here).
He further wrote that he “has the highest regard for the law. The law
is holy, just and good.” He even compared the Law to a mirror with this metaphor:
“My friend, if you look in the mirror and see someone ugly, don’t blame the
mirror. Don’t get mad and punch the mirror. It’s not the mirror’s fault. The
purpose of the mirror is simply to expose your flaws. In the same way, the law
is not at fault.”
So, for those opponents of Joseph
Prince, enough said? Isn’t he most misunderstood?
I mean, this is the same preacher who said that we should not get
angry with the mirror/Law as it is never the fault of the mirror/Law. He did
not stop there. He is in fact enlightened enough to write this: “What the devil
has done is to keep the law over people’s heads all the time, so that they will
constantly feel condemned and guilty. The devil is the master legalist.” He was
almost Shakespearean-like when he called the devil a “master legalist”.
Then, his enlightenment went further with this observation: “Now,
please understand this: the Ten Commandments are glorious! The problem has
never been the Ten Commandments or God’s perfect law. The problem has always
been imperfect man’s ability to keep God’s perfect law.” This is in line with
Romans 7:7 when Paul said, “So the trouble is not with the law, for it is
spiritual and good. The trouble is with me, for I am all too human, a slave to
sin…I love God’s law with all my heart.” And in Hebrews 10, after Calvary, God
put it all in Paul’s beating heart and wrote it on his vibrant mind.
At this point, I am almost tempted to say this: “To those who think that Joseph Prince is against the Law, well, don’t you
think you owe him an apology?” But hold that thought…
Now, here comes the mystifying part about his radical grace message.
On the one hand, Joseph Prince clearly embraced the Law wholeheartedly, maintaining
its purity from the corruption of man and the devil, and showing complete
respect for it, and on the other hand, he condemns it most openly.
Recently, he preached that one perverts the Gospel of Grace if the
Law is added to Grace. He even said that there is a double curse on anyone who
preaches Law. He said that New Testament curses are possible for preachers of
Law or those mixing Law with the Grace message. He even grouped the social
media users under this category. This in fact goes back all the way to the Swiss
Alps encounter – “You cannot put grace
and law together.”
I am godsmacked here. Here I am trying
to understand him and now he throws me a curve ball. Mm…another Gordian knot to
disentangle I guess. I am undaunted nevertheless. I just need to put it into
perspective. I just need to break up his above statement into three categories
for reflection: Content, Clarity and
First, content.
What does Joseph Prince mean by “Law”
in the first place? What is it about the Law that would pervert the Gospel of
Grace if they are delivered together? I dare to conclude that Joseph Prince was
not referring to the man-made traditional laws, that is, the yoke of Moses.
These are the Jewish ceremonial, sabbatical, dietary and sacrificial laws
regarding circumcision and religious works towards salvation.
His double-curses scripture is actually taken from Galatian and he calls
it “Galatianism.” He defines it as
“the intermingling of teachings about God which contains a little bit of the
law as well as a little bit of grace.” But this is strange because no modern
day believer subscribes to these traditional laws of Moses anymore.
I mean, you don’t see anyone responding to the altar call with a goat
or sheep behind him to be sacrificed, and for every time the petitioner seeks
redemption. Neither does he submit himself to circumcision in order to be
saved. Surely, Joseph Prince would have
the good sense not to be referring to these antiquated and totally irrelevant
laws of old right?
Well, if he is referring to these outmoded laws, then I concede that
he has got a point and any modern-day pastor preaching them (as the requisite way
to keep one’s salvation after Calvary) is still sadly under the curse of those
laws. And I guess there is no fear here.
How about the Ten Commandments then? Is Joseph Prince talking about
being double cursed if one mixes the Ten Commandments with Grace? Here, it is tricky. Is he talking about
the Ten Commandments standing alone as the way to salvation (or to keep one’s
salvation)? I think not. Here’s why
from the horses’ own mouth: “When the love of Jesus is in you, you can’t
help but fulfill the law. When your heart is overflowing with God’s grace
and loving kindness, you will have no desire to commit adultery (Commandment
7) or murder (Commandment 6), bear false witness (Commandment 9), covet
(Commandment 10). You will have the power to love your neighbor as
yourself.” (underline mine).
This is what is meant by writing the law in one’s heart. Grace and
Law thus work together with Grace
justifying us in righteousness and the Law sanctifying us in good works, and they are not mutually exclusive,
So, mystery’s solved here. The Law that shouldn’t mix with Grace is
NOT the Ten Commandments because – if
anything – Grace empowers the believer to fulfill the Ten Commandments. Let’s
move on to the next point.
Second, clarity.
Was Joseph Prince trying to use metaphor to illustrate his point?
When he said about mixing the Law and the double curses, is he referring to the
Old Testament or the Old Covenant as compared to the New Covenant where Christ
has fulfilled it all and we are deemed righteous by His one ultimate sacrifice?
If that is the case, why not just be more specific? Why not just say that one
would be double cursed if he mixes the Old Covenant with Grace (that is, the
New Covenant)? Why scapegoat the Law since it is Legalism that needs to be
abolished for good?
At this juncture, I’m sure it is not disputed that when Apostle Paul
mentioned that we are “dead to the law” or that we are “not under the law”, he
was referring to the Old Covenant mindset to salvation. And such a mindset is
futile or hopeless because you break one commandment, you break them all. In any event, didn’t Joseph Prince say that it
is the devil who is the master legalist and that the Law is like a mirror –
blameless, holy?
So, I think I can safely conclude that Joseph Prince meant the Old
Testament and not the Law, which will invite double curses, right? Maybe his Swiss Alps’ encounter requires
some back-to-the-future tweaking?
Lastly, chronology.
Thus far, I think I’ve established that Joseph Prince was not
referring to the Pharisaical laws since that is a non-starter because no one
follows it anyway. Neither is he referring to the Ten Commandments since he had
actually endorsed it as the fruits (or growth) of a Grace-empowered life after
the altar call. And for purpose of clarity, if he is referring to the Old
Covenant as a possible invitation for double curses, then he should have stated
it front and center – instead of blaming the perfect laws of God.
As such, I am left with chronology. Is Joseph Prince trying to say that
at the time of salvation, we should not mix Law with Grace lest we get double
cursed? Isn’t this a rehashing of the Old Covenant? In any event, Joseph Prince
has already said that the Law cannot make one godly. That’s a given. But he has
also reminded us that the purpose of the Law is so that “the world would have the knowledge of sin, and recognize their need for
a Savior.”
So, the Law still performs a role; it informs. It discloses. It
points us to the way of redemption. No doubt it doesn’t save; yet it
facilitates, it directs. The theologian David P. Fuller once wrote, “Christ is
the telos of the Law, not in the
sense of being its termination, but as climaxing it as the One who is in a
continuum with it.”
So, no doubt the Law could be used in the way the Pharisee had used
it in the parable of the Pharisee and the tax collector, it nevertheless serves
multiple roles as follows:-
1) A mirror to
reflect to us our sin.
2) A guide (to
Israel) for nation-building and for personal holiness.
3) An objective
standard of right and wrong, a guard to help keep us on the straight and
4) A guide to
5) A reflection to
us of the perfection and nature of God.
6) A means of Grace
to keep us in communion with God and point us to the Messiah.
(Daniel Tong in “Law and Grace”).
How about post-altar call then? Does the Law play any part together
with Grace? I guess Daniel Tong again answers it most aptly here: “Yes, under
the new covenant the Law is now put upon our hearts and written on our minds.
Under this new modality, at issue is not the function of or why it is we should
keep the Law, but a focus on it being our joy and duty. “Conformity to the Law,
and subjection to the Law of God, is part of our holiness. Therefore it can
never be said to be a part of our bondage.” That is to say, we can approach the
Law in one of two ways, either as an oppressed and unwilling slave or as an
obedient and loving child.” We are freed from the one, namely, the subjection
of a slave, which was a part of our bondage, but not from the other, namely,
the subjection of a son, which is part of our freedom.” Enough said?
Alas, I started this post with Joseph Prince’s Swiss Alps vacation
and the voice of God which told him NOT to put Grace and Law together – lest he
neutralizes the former. Yet, I ended here still trying to understand how Grace
works to the complete exclusion of God’s perfect Laws. I admit that this Swiss
Alps encounter is perplexing to me, to say the least.
Honestly, I am none the wiser. I guess I am just thick in the skull. But
I suspect the majority of his 30-thousand strong church members had somehow
fully understood the radical grace message, and there is hope for mankind after
all. Cheerz.