Wednesday 29 February 2012

Trouble opens a thousand doors!

Thoughts are thoughts. They are like rumors running wild in your mind. They flock together and create a hype we call the rumor mill. You are still in control. You decide the color of your thoughts. You can paint it black, red, blue or any hue. You can discipline your wild thoughts and "de-commission" them. The mind's rumor mill can work in reverse; instead of churning out a feedback cycle of gloom and doom, it can come awash with confidence and hope. Bad news need not darken your thoughts. It need not spoil your day. Remember, you control your thoughts. You can lift it up above the storm or drown it. Learn to see bad events as a door leading to many doors and each of these doors lead to even more doors. You are not paralyzed by bad news. Neither trapped by it. Bad news are a gateway to discovery or exploring. What lies behind door no. 1,4 or 99? Your options are limitless and your choices boundless. Each pathway leads to an adventure. Each adventure leads to self discovery of strength. You better yourself by taking on a challenge. You realize your course by discovery the many paths that stray from it. That's what life is about...opening doors, discovering new landscapes, exploring and ultimately, overcoming!

PS: I wrote a nutty letter about cults two years ago called "HOW TO GROW A CULT", interested?

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