Sunday 10 November 2019

The Book of Answer?

I went to a bookshop recently (actually, 6 years ago, to be exact). I  was then looking at the shelves when a book called out to me. It was a small book. It was a black hardcover. It was entitled “The BOOK of ANSWERS” by Carol Bolt, a professional artist living in Seattle. 

It was a strange book. Each page had an advice, a short message. That’s all. There were hundred of pages of such brief counsels - so to speak. If you were looking for a novel or non-fiction replete with facts, then you will be sorely disappointed. There was no story to start with. No happily-ever-after ending. Neither a beginning. Not even a content page.

Here’s what made it even weirder. At the back cover of the book was this “HOW TO USE” section which reads as follows:-

1)  Hold the closed book in your hand, on your lap or on a table.

2)  Take 10 to 15 seconds to concentrate on your question. Questions should be phrased closed-end, e.g. “Is the job I’m applying for the right one?” or “Should I travel this weekend?

3)  While visualizing or speaking your question (one question at a time), place one hand palm down on the book’s front cover and stroke the edge of the pages, back to front.

4)  When you sense the time is right, open the book and there will be your answer.

5)  Repeat the process for as many questions as you have.  

Yes, I know what you are thinking. Drop that crap-alogy and run. Save your soul while you still can! Unfortunately, I held the little black book for longer than I should and was duly tempted. 

Alas, I gave in. I squirreled over to one corner of the bookshop and started to list down a few questions of my own; some open-ended and the rest closed-end. Here are the questions I listed:-

1) Does my son have a future?
2) Will I remarry?
3) What will my career be like in the future?
4) What would make me really happy?
5) Am I in the right religion?
6) Does my future look bright?
7) Is my wife right for me?
8) What is the meaning of life?

Out of curiosity, I rubbed the edge of the pages, back to front, like stroking the top of my bare-belly, and gingerly turned a page. To the first question “Does my son have a future?”, I got this answer, “USE YOUR IMAGINATION”. I was puzzled at first. Then I scratched my forehead and reflected. Mm…maybe it is all about imagination. With imagination comes innovation, and with innovation comes invention. Ok, that sounds satisfactory. My son would just have to imagine out a future for himself. Let’s go for another spin or flip, I mused.

I then recalled my second cheeky question, “Will I remarry?” Of course, I was just being playful and wanted to see what the Book of Answers had to offer. Was it for real? So, after the usual stroking, I turned another page and the pulp oracle answered, “BET ON IT”. Ouch! That was weird. I was confounded, speechless.

I quickly dismissed it and went on to the third question without thinking, “What will my career be like in the future?” The page that found me was, “DON’T FORGET TO HAVE FUN”. Well, that’s interesting. For me, the book was telling me to stop thinking about my career as work and start thinking about it as fun. Profound, I thought to myself. Then, I progressed to the fourth question, “What would make me really happy?” 

A sense of anticipation lingered in the air before I flipped and this was what my eyes set on, “DON’T IGNORE THE OBVIOUS.” Mmm…that’s deep, enlightening even. Is the book trying to tell me that happiness is right before my very eyes? That is, in the laughter of my daughter? In the kiss I had this morning with my wife? In the times I enjoyed with my son jogging together? Wow, for a moment, I thought the Book of Answers was really up to something. It was timely and sagely. It knew me. It knew about life. It was like it “had been there” and “had done that”.  

...(after a long pause and coming to my senses)...

Alas, there you have it. The crazy things that people believe and do. - including me. I guess we will always believe in such things as long as they hold out something for our benefit; even if they make the remotest of sense to us. It is often the bait that hides the hook. 

But sometimes, I think that you don’t even need a bait for some people. You just need to polish the hook to make it glitter, throw your line into busy waters, and wait for the definite tug. They will surely come. I call it the tug of fools. 

So, coming back full circle, I think I owe it you my readers to finish what I first started. So, for the sake of completeness, here is what the Book of Answers has to say about my remaining questions (and I leave it to you to make sense of it):-

1)  Am I in the right religion?

2)  Does my future look bright?

3)  Is my wife right for me?

4)  What is the meaning of life?

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