prosecution may have found him to be a liar and the Court may have deemed him
guilty beyond all reasonable doubts of all charges after examining the evidence
in a trial that had lasted for 142 days (over more than 2 years), but this has
nothing to do with why I am appealing to Pastor Kong Hee in this post.
Likewise, the
church of about 17,000 may find him to be blameless, faultless, betrayed by the
people he trusted, scapegoated for whatever reasons, or suffering for the sake
of the gospel. They may therefore still believe in him with all their heart
that he is innocent. Or they may dismiss, downplay, and trivialize his stage
antics and misguided ambition in the Crossover project as part and parcel of
leadership imperfections, acceptable deviation or expected prosecution for
obeying God and not men.
But no, all
that is not why I am making this appeal to him before the Court appeal in about
two weeks’ time.
On the
contrary, I’m making this appeal from one human being to another stripped of
all the trappings and layers of leadership attention, celebrity attraction and
congregational adoration. It is an appeal for the members who have left his
church because I have read some testimonies of people who felt betrayed and lost.
It is also an appeal for the ex-members who have given much of their time,
money and effort to his firebrand leadership, but have nevertheless felt that
they have been misled, misinformed and misguided.
And more
importantly, it is for the members who have left the faith in disappointment
and disillusionment because of the embarrassing revelations in the prolonged
trial concerning cover-ups, backdating, cowardice, finger-pointing,
blame-shifting, leadership's wilful ignorance, fake album sales announcements,
false impressions given on stage, extravagant lifestyle, personal splurging and
bingeing, and the crossover project that has been quietly buried, side-lined
and forgotten without any accountability, explanation and apology. One has to wonder, where has all the money
gone to?
Even for some
who are still in his church, this appeal is for them too (and I believe they
exist in quiet protest). I make this appeal for the silent minority in his
church, for those who do not wish to rock the boat, but still feel something's
amiss in the leadership. I make it for them who thinks Pastor Kong Hee has
exceeded his authority and overreached his divine mandate. I guess I have covered enough ground, and I have to say that this is of
course unsolicited representation, that is, no one has personally asked me to
write this appeal on their behalf. I did it on my own accord. I did it because
I feel it is the right thing to do.
Now, I have
to be clear here that even if his court appeal is successful this September,
and the conviction below is reversed for whatever reason, I do not think he is
absolved for his leadership lapses. He may be eloquent, efficient, diligent and
charismatic on stage, in evangelistic circles, and with his church members, but
if the 5-year legal saga is anything to go by, he has yet to accept any
responsibility for what he had done. His three bows on stage before a crowd of
witnesses were not about accepting responsibility, but deflecting it.
Pastor Kong
Hee believed he was just acting out the will of the Father as his sovereign
Lord in the same way that the other co-accused believed that they were just
acting out his instructions as the spiritual leader of the Church. This is at
the very least a case of the blind leading the blind with unintended
consequences, and at its very worst, a case of what DJ See had described as
"the accused persons (choosing) to engage in covert operations and
conspiratorial cover-ups" with "cover stories and clever round-trips
concealing their unlawful conduct" in a "conspiracy to misuse CHC's
funds, which included siphoning off large amounts from the Building Funds for
Sun Ho's music career."
But my appeal
to Pastor Kong Hee doesn't even ask of him to admit to all that. I am not
asking that he come clean and plead guilty to the charges against him, thereby
dropping his appeal - for I earnestly
believe that every man is entitled to his own defence and the pursuit of
justice as he deems fit.
However, my
appeal is for him to drop all pretences and spiritual high-wiring act of
evangelistic and leadership performances and admit to how he had failed the
church – and mind you, not what the church have to go through these past few
years because he is bearing the cross for Christ.
If his
failures - which is only human - is not apparent by now, then let me spell them
out here in brief. It is a failure of leading the church into disrepute by
pursuing a project of highly questionable worldly means to achieve a highly
unsustainable evangelistic end in spite of one disapprobation after another,
starting with Poon (who had paid dearly for being an honest, God-fearing
whistle-blower) and ending with the shameless 142-day trial.
It is a
failure of deliberately engineering an oppressive culture within the church
that places more emphasis on securing funds from all and sundry at all costs
and regardless of financial status quo and means just so that he can pour most
of the funds into his wife's music career and lavish lifestyle in a pretentious
and disingenuous bid to win souls for God.
It is a
failure of the highest integrity of a shepherd leadership who instead of
readily shielding, protecting, guiding and nurturing his sheep at his own
costs, inconvenience and personal sacrifices, he cowardly disassociates,
disregards and disowns his very own like his ex-confidante Chew Eng Han just so
that he could hide his wrongdoings, deny his improper financial association
with the crossover project as his and his wife’s brainchild, and wash his hands
over the whole prosecutorial affair as Pontius Pilate did with Jesus.
It is also a
failure for somehow allowing the church under his watch to be embroiled in an
ongoing lawsuit in the high court against his ex-fund manager, Chew, for the
return of $21 million of church funds allegedly being used as an investment in
Chew's company, which also included $4.6 million in interest, the same of which
is wholly denied by Chew who "insists that the church had used his firm as
a vehicle to lend out money. He also claims that a personal guarantee he had
signed for the investments was just to "comfort" the CHC board, and
he was promised that it would not be enforced."
Here, one has
to wonder, how on earth did so much of church money get into the hands of the
sole director of a financial firm, and for what purpose? Alas, no Christian within
the church wants to question about this because his leadership is deemed by
them to be beyond reproach and indispensable. More like a law unto oneself.
Now, all
these are clearly failures of his leadership that brings the name of Christ
into disrepute and shame, and yet he adds more shame to it by claiming no
wrong, denying any oversight, carrying on his pastoral leadership as if he was
and has always been right, and worse, seeking spiritual impunity and legitimacy
by asserting that he is doing all these by the seal, power and authority of God
Alas, even if
you love the guy for his dedication and commitment to the ministry as professed
by him, you ought to at the very least be discerning enough to sense that
something is seriously amiss in his leadership right? I mean, I am not even
appealing to Pastor Kong Hee to admit to the charges pending appeal, but I am simply
appealing to him to come clean with his failings as a leader as listed above
(though not exhaustive).
And to come
clean with all that, and especially to apologise to those who had either left
the church or the faith as a whole because of the legal grind he had put the
church through, is at the very least the most Christian thing to do for a
layman - what's more a leader.
So, let me
end with this: I appeal to Pastor Kong Hee - before and regardless of the outcome of his court appeal - to do the
right thing and the right thing, if he
doesn't know it by now, is not always the most popular thing to do. And in
this case, the right thing to do is also known as bearing the Cross where it
truly counts. Cheerz.
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